If you have recently or will soon separate from active military service, you have plenty of options: go back to school, take up a trade, or pursue a white-collar corporate job.
Moving into a corporate job can be a lucrative choice, but certainly not an easy one. First, you have to figure out — pretty much on your own — how your military skills translate into corporate roles. Then you need to determine which buzzwords will ensure the right recruiters find your LinkedIn profile in search and that your résumé passes through a complex digital filtering system into the hands of a real person.
Then you’ll need to sell yourself through a gambit of recruiters, HR screeners, and hiring managers, all of whom, through no real fault of their own, will have little understanding and likely a healthy dose of skepticism around how your military training makes you a great candidate for the job. To make it through screening and interviews, you’ll need to learn a whole new way of speaking about yourself and your accomplishments. If you survive all that and actually land a corporate job, you’ll still need to adapt to corporate cultural norms, to unlearn and essentially suppress a large share of the habits and values you’ve acquired through active military service.
Or, you can forget about all that and start your own business! In building a business, you have two choices: start from scratch all on your own or buy into a franchise system. It’s no coincidence that, according to VetFran, one in seven franchises in the U.S. — more than 66,000 — are owned by military veterans.
In its most recent Top Franchises for Veterans report, Franchise Business Review notes that growth in franchising continues to outpace growth in the U.S. economy and that a majority of small businesses begun from scratch do not survive their first two years. Good franchisors, FBR says, invest heavily in keeping all owners profitable. They reduce risk, offer effective systems, support, lower costs through group buying, and sophisticated marketing.
What’s more, many franchise companies offer startup and royalty-fee discounts to military veterans. That might seem like just patriotism, a desire to support men and women who serve, or even just savvy marketing. But franchisors have very good reasons for loving veteran owners. Namely, they know that military culture tends to produce business entrepreneurs who are:
- Strong leaders
- Great team players
- Highly coachable
- Self disciplined
- And accustomed to following established systems and protocols, which protect and uplift their franchise brands.
Have we got you interested in the idea of franchising? Check out Franchise Business Review’s 20-page report, which is based on objective franchisee satisfaction data derived specifically from owners who are also military veterans. Then give us a call to hear about why MaidPro lands consistently high on the list of best veteran franchises.