February 03, 2020
You may think you keep a fairly tidy home – clean floors, vacuumed carpets, shiny countertops, etc. But if any of the cleaning masters we’ve featured below were to walk through your home, let’s just say they might have a different story to tell. Get ready to uncover all of the dirty secrets – those little nooks and crannies you never think to dust, disinfect, or wash. Whether you’re in Atlanta or Bend, read on and enjoy these expert tips to make your home truly spotless.
MaidPro: Homeowners are notorious for forgetting to clean anything they don’t directly touch, even if it is standing right in front of them. Baseboard and ceiling fans often have to become caked with dirt before homeowners notice them. When the surface is out of the line of sight, people forget for even longer stretches of time, no matter how dangerous the consequences of their negligence may be. Homeowners have been known to forget to clean dryer vents till their dryers start a fire, nevermind less risky places like under the bed! Out of sight, out of mind also usually results in dusty wires behind entertainment centers, greasy oven hood vents, and positively gross tops of kitchen cabinets.